research-based therapy
Couple and Marital Therapy
What is Relationship Counseling?
People are often confused as to when to seek out couples therapy versus individual therapy. Here is a real easy formula: if you are having problems in your relationship, couples therapy is the choice. It only takes one person in the relationship to feel like there is a problem. If it’s a problem for one, it’s a problem for both.
Individual therapy does not provide the necessary platform to dissect each partner’s contribution to the dynamic that the two of you have created.
Note: couples therapy is not indicated if there is physical abuse or severe addition problems.
My Background as a Couples Therapist
I have over 25 years of experience providing therapy to both individuals and couples. I am a Gottman Certified Therapist and have training in Emotionally-Focused couples therapy.
Working with a Gottman Therapist and an EFT Therapist assures you that you are working with someone who provides the highest quality couples therapy based on cutting edge scientific research into what makes relationships work.
I provide couples therapy in Raleigh, NC and couples retreats in beautiful Asheville, NC.
Get Relationship Help Now
Here’s how you get started…
$450 - Initial couples session (90 min.)
This includes The Gottman Relationship Check-up feedback which is part of the initial assessment. The Gottman Institute (who developed the survey) charges a per test fee of $15 per partner.
$225 - Subsequent session fee (50min.)
$340 - Subsequent session fee (75min.)
$450 - Subsequent session fee (100mi.)
There are longer session options available and you may inquire about fees.
Three Stages of Couples Therapy
Stage One
The first stage is the assessment phase. This is where I am learning all about you, your history, and your relationship. I do this first with a 90-minute couples session. If you and your partner feel comfortable moving forward, you will each fill out the Gottman Relationship Checkup. After each of you complete this assessment, I will meet with each of you individually (this is not all done in the same day, rather individual appts are schedule after our first couples meeting). At our fourth session (this is a couples session), I will share with you the strengths and weaknesses of your relationship and provide a direction or suggested path for working to help restore your friendship, intimacy and manage conflict.
Stage Two
Stage two is when we work head-on with each of your frustrations and issues as they arise. I will teach you ways to improve your friendship, intimacy and better ways of communicating and handling conflict. We will do this until each of you feel like change has been implemented and feel that your relationship is moving in a more positive direction.
Stage Three
Stage three is when things have improved to the point that we are discussing phasing out of the current frequency of therapy and coming in only when needed. It is my goal to get you to this place. Someone said to me one time: “Being a therapist is the only career where you try to talk your way out of a job.” Believe me, I love what I do but my joy comes from watching a couple heal and get to a better place.
Providing therapy to couples is my true life calling. I am happy that you are reading this page and are considering a step in the right direction. I specialize in seeing couples and honor the opportunity to do so.
Couples Therapy & Marriage Counseling in Raleigh, NC
Shelly Hummel provides marriage counseling and couples therapy in Raleigh, NC. She also serves Wake Forest, Youngsville, New Light, Stony Hill, Forestville, Rolesville, and other nearby Raleigh communities. Shelly also offers couples workshops in Asheville, NC and will be opening a second office in Asheville.